Monday, February 8, 2010

Custom Birth Announcement

Life here has been nothing but sickness and snow for the last two weeks. As I posted last, we got hit with another stomach bug, and strangely, we all got round 1 and then round 2 a few days later. I feel like I need to set off a Lysol bomb in our house! Then, Friday we were right outside the hardest hit area of the "Blizzard of 2010." We got around 2 ft. of snow Friday-Saturday and are still digging out. Tomorrow we are supposed to get more snow. I am sooo ready for spring. Darn that Groundhog!

Recently, I made a set of custom birth announcements for a good friend of mine. We have been friends for 20 years and I was so excited and honored to create these for her. They wanted something that was a non-traditional richer blue, and she had loved my Christmas cards, and wanted something with a similar feel---a vintage feel damask background. I have been dying to post these, but she was on a trip to Florida and I did not want to put them online before she was able to see them in person.

She chose a linen cardstock paper with rounded corners--I think it was the perfect finish for this design. Cardstock designs are doublesided, which is a great option for birth announcements to add additional photos and/or text. You can order these announcements HERE, and I can also customize in girl colors.

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