Thursday, January 28, 2010

More Valentines

We just battled another stomach bug here--we had a stomach bug come through in November, which was followed shortly after with bad colds (which for me meant a sinus infection of course!), and now we have spend the last 2 weeks cycling through another stomach bug, ugh! I hope this is not an indicator that 2010 is going to be one of those bad years at our house where we get sick a lot!

Now is the time to get your valentine orders in! (I had planned to have my done by now but this is yet another thing the sick-bug delayed, arghh!)

Last week, I shared photo bookmarks that make great valentines--I am planning to use them for my oldest son this year. I also offer traditional photo card valentines, which are available in cardstock or photo paper. Last year, I used cardstock for ours so that the boys could write on the cards. If you do not plan to write on them, you can also order the regular photo paper cards.

I also offer postcard valentines, which are printed on a thin white cardstock and you will find many designs to choose from.

And of course, I can create seals or labels to go with your valentines.
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1 comment:

  1. That is the cutest little card ever! I love that...I wish I had a little girl!!! URGH! I dont think I am on top of this this Valentines either...slacking/

    HOpe that bug stays away from your house the rest of the year! I think you have had enough sickness!
