Thursday, February 11, 2010


I did say we got pounded with snow, right?!! My sincerest apologies to any customers who are experiencing delays with their orders. Unfortunately due to the record-breaking snow we received (40+ inches!), we have only had mail service 2 out of the last 5 days, and in addition, Fed Ex is experiencing delays all over the East coast, AND my lab has been closed due to conditions as everything in the area has been shut down. :( I am getting your packages to you just as soon as humanly possible under these conditions!

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  1. We dug out our mailbox, but it was actually pointless since we haven't gotten mail since the second storm. And they are calling for another storm on Monday now. CRAZINESS!!

  2. Oh that stinks--we have had mail service twice in the last 5 days so not much better. I spent over an hour digging out the mailbox yesterday so I was going to hit the roof if we didnt get mail, lol! We are in the path of the new storm too. I havent heard much from our local station but Fox 5 (DC) said 5 or 6 in. YUCK!

  3. I finally got my cards yesterday (or was it the day before?). I still love them & will be sure to find a use for them. :)
