Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Showcasing my 3 handsome little men... ♥ these guys! Here are their 2010 valentines.

Hayden's valentines are photo bookmarks printing on linen cardstock with the rounded corner option. Such a fun, yet functional idea for valentines!

Cooper's valentines are doublesided flat cardstock, also in the linen cardstock and with the rounded corner option. Cardstock makes it simple to personalize as they can easily write names on these.

Parker's valentines are printed on traditional photo paper.

All 3 of the boys valentine's celebrations have been postponed due to snow days, so they will be passing theirs out this week.

Hope you have a super sweet Valentine's weekend! If you'd like to shop for some sweet items, use code FEB14 for 14% off any order until Monday morning.

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  1. omgosh...i love the bookmark valentine!

    you are so creative!

  2. Those are absolutely adorable!! I wish I had half your skill!
