Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blog Hopping! Focus on Artwork

I have been meaning to do another Blog Hop for awhile now, as I had so much fun browsing other people's blogs, but I kept missing the boat, lol! This week's theme is sharing your artwork. Well, I have lots of my own "artwork" since my website is a creative outlet. I will share one of my newer photo card designs. Here is a sweet new birth announcement I created:

I have always enjoyed drawing and a kid I filled up dozens of notebooks with drawings and as I got a little older and got my first computer, I spent loads of time creating all kinds of dot matrix black & white projects with the original Print Shop! In college, and then as a teacher, I enjoyed creating activities with lots of graphic design & then when I became pregnant with my oldest son, now 6.5, I started scrapbooking (the good ole paper kind of scrapping!!) so my journey into designing stationery and photo cards seemed like a natural path for me. I love digital expression!

It's funny because now I have sons who fill notebook after notebook of pictures. They all love to draw, and my older two could literally spend hours at the drawing/writing table. They both love to write & illustrate books too. We have artwork displayed much, that this summer, I hung a wire for displaying their pictures in our playroom... Its pretty much the first thing you see when you enter our house, which may not be the ideal decor, but our home is pretty child-centered, so I guess it represents us pretty accurately! Here is a close up of their displayed work (excuse the less than stellar photography; this was a phone pic!)

And here is some of the kids recent artwork...

MckLinky Blog Hop

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  1. Cograts to the parents of a wonderful little girl! :)))
    The children's art work is really nice! I showed it to my daughter and she liked it as well.
    I am your instant follower! ;)
    Feel free to drop by. ;)

  2. I love that announcement! SO cute. The kids seems to love art too. Lvoe it!

  3. They sure do like to draw, mine hates to draw- hates to color too. I loved coloring and drawing as a child also....I loved coloring contest too- but mine has no intrest in it:(
