Monday, September 21, 2009

Are you thinking about Christmas?

Wow, this past week has been absolutely crazy, and not in a good way. I have had a string of bad days, and its been an adjustment getting into gear with our new fall schedule--2 out of 3 boys are playing baseball this fall, and we have practice/games 4 days a week, which is a big change to our routine. Following a holiday weekend and a birthday here, I have been struggling to get back on top of everything & into a groove. Hoping to feel more accomplished by the end of this week! I typically do all of my own Christmas shopping in Sept and early October, so that I can focus on orders during my busiest season of the year...I am lagging behind this year! I also like to debut holiday cards around the end of the month but I think I will be a tad later this time. I feel like I have been on a hamster wheel, spinning around, since school started here! I did list a few holiday stationery items. I am really liking these new gift tags, which I have a feeling will be adorning our packages this year!

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1 comment:

  1. You have been busy lately, I can see why your struggling....I fell for ya!
