Friday, June 5, 2009

Baby Shower Invitation

I have really been trying to keep the blog updated more often, but these last few weeks of end of the year activities for the boys' schools have been so hectic, I feel like my head has been spinning in circles! Between school events, baseball, and working to the house re-organized in preparation for all 3 of them being home full time again, I have not had much time for anything, let alone posting on the blog.

I also have not spent time all month working on new designs, so I am anxious to get some new things up on the website! In the meantime, I am posting a recent baby shower invitation addition that I happen to love. Also available in blue/brown for boys!

Summer always seems to bring lots of babies, so keep in mind if you have a baby event on the horizon, whether it be a shower, birth announcement, baptism invitation, etc.

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