Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Graduate...(Preschool, that it!)

My middle son Cooper graduated from preschool last week! He was SO proud. He did have a few teary moments as he walked out--I think he was overwhelmed by all of the people looking at him, as it was quite the crowd, and he was the first graduate to enter! Now we have just 6 1/2 days of school to go for my 1st grader and then all 3 of them will be home full time again.

How cute is he? I know I am biased, but still... :)

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Memorial Day weekend! I have spent a lot of time organizing the house. I wanted to get the playroom and the boys rooms set up and reorganized before they are all home and have more hours in the day to make messes! We actually got to swim for the first time of the season yesterday. I think that may be the earliest we have been in for awhile. I am happy they will get some practice in the pool before their swimming lessons at the end of June.

Please note, that it is still extremely hectic here as school winds down...I am working hard to keep on top of orders, but you will likely notice a longer response time for emails.

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie is right! Loved that close up of him- that was a great picture you took! I am soooo glad summertime is here:)
