Monday, March 23, 2009

Time to order your Easter cards!

As he was loading up to go to school this morning, my oldest son said, "I wonder what you are going to get me for Easter?" This set off a bit of panic as I scrambled to think how long I had until always seems to sneak up on me anymore! I know the stores have had Easter goodies lining the aisles, & I have been working on Easter samples, but have not given any thought to the Easter bunny yet!

Here is one of the newer designs I have added for Easter:

Just over a week left in the Start Up Moms Top 200 Business Contest. If you have a free minute (or less!) please take the time to vote here. You can vote once a day from now til March 31st (which eeek is next week, which brings me back to those Bunny preparations!)

And, don't forget to get your Easter orders in!

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