Tuesday, March 17, 2009

DVD Swap--Check it out!

My blog in mainly devoted to my business, but ccasionally I will share tidbits from our life, or post about things of interest to me. Today I wanted to take a minute to share a really cool site I recently used!

I love to read! Last year I joined Paperback Swap, which I LOVE, and I now have a whole stack of TO BE READ books on my nightstand that I did not have to pay for. No money for mama to buy books around here :) well, PBS has several sister sites, but I had not joined them. There are a few TV shows I have gotten interested in watching lately that I have not followed or are no longer on the air. Usually I rent these from my Blockbuster Online acct, but the problem is they only send one disc from the set at a time, and I get impatient waiting for the next episode! So, on a whim, yesterday I decided to sign up for DVD Swap. (Which, by the way is super easy to use) I listed 10 DVDs that were just taking up space to earn my free credit...a combination of some kids dvds and regular movies. None were anything popular or new. By yesterday evening I had 5 requests! You earn a credit for each DVD you send out to another member, so I got 5 more credits on my first day of membership. Today, I found another kids DVD to list, and as soon as I listed, it was requested! We have so many DVDs the kids have either outgrown or just were not interested in, so this is a great way to free up some clutter and get some new DVDs in exchange!

*If my username does show up in the box where it asks who referred you automatically, please enter me as my3littleguys.

Here is my link. Take a look around! If you decide to join, please use my link--anytime someone joins thru your link & lists their first 10 DVDs, you get a free DVD credit.

If you havent checked out Paperback Swap, my link is on the right hand side of my blog near the bottom. They also run CD Swap, although I do not belong to that one yet.

I highly recommend any of these sites, especially in a time when many of us are trying to spend less...and, they are great for reducing the clutter in your house b/c you are recycling your books and DVDs rather than just adding new ones to the piles!

I hope this helps someone!

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