Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Some Sad News

Some sad news in our house tonight. Our little dog Jake had to be put to sleep. He had been sick on and off for the last few months, and lately seemed worse. Hubby noticed that he looked really bloated and was concerned. They suspected his spleen had ruptured and also thought he might have cancer. Tonight, the put him under and looked to see if it was operable, and discovered his liver was full of cancer and his spleen had cancerous growths as well. Prognosis was to operate and possibly give him 1-3 months on medication with a questionable quality of life or to let him go.

I am saddened by the loss, but happy that Jake got to live a long, happy life. He was 11 years old. Love & miss you, Jakers!


  1. Aww...that is so sad to hear. I am sorry for your lose...I know it must be hard on you and the boys to loose such a good buddy. Jakers is in a much better place, I feel you made the right more suffering.

  2. Thanks so much! We had to break the news to the boys today as it had happened last night and my oldest cried & cried. Then he made a book for Jake telling him he would miss him--it was so sweet :)
