Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sharing a valentine smile

These were simply too cute not to share! Today was my middle son's Valentine party at preschool. So, last night, we got all of his Valentines packaged up & ready to go. They requested no names on the envelopes for the kids (easier for distributing to 50 other kids) but he wrote the names on the the outside for his teachers. I had planned to write their names down and have him copy them but he wanted to spell them all by himself, and decorate them as well. He is 4 and wants to do everything his bigger brother does...and he happened to be addressing all of his Valentines for his first grade classmates. I got such a kick out of these I had to snap a pic to remember them! My favorite is on the bottom left. His teacher's name is Miss Susan. (aka Mes SOOSEN!)


  1. aww that that was sooo cute!!!Such a big boy he is!!!

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