Monday, December 3, 2007

The Holidays Are Upon Us...

Hmm... somewhere out in cyberspace, I have several blog entries floating about :) I have neglected the blog lately as its been busy, busy, busy, and on top of that I have been sick, sick, sick...BUT, I had typed several entries since the last one shown.

The holidays are approaching fast! (Not fast enough for my oldest son, who has been counting down since the beginning of Novemeber...but for those of us who are shopping, making, baking, etc. there never seems to be enough time!)

Shop Cutie Pies Custom Creations for great personalized gifts for teachers, grandparents, moms, and all of those others who are hard to find gifts for. Grandparents love items that feature their favorite little ones, so granny and pap pads are popular choices, as are photo pads. I offer a wide selection of teacher notepads, notecards, and stickers.

Also, take a look at my large assortment of Christmas card designs--all of which can be customized to meet your needs! I offered a peek at ours above! The adorable Naughty/Nice shirts were made by Jenn at ...she does fabulous custom work!
Remember, allow plenty of time for me to customize & create your order! I work fast, but the Christmas season is an extremely busy time around here. Still, there is plenty of time left to order your cards or gifts.
Wishing You and Yours a Joy Filled Holiday Season!

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