Saturday, September 15, 2007

Welcome Fall!

Fall is my favorite time of year! I love the weather and the beautiful landscapes created by the changing leaves. Fall also means taking the boys to the pumpkin patch, and I am anxiously awaiting our trip to take Parker for the first time this year. I was quite proud to have already purchased 2 out of 3 of the boys Halloween costumes this week, too!

The start to "fall" has been a busy time here. My oldest son returned to preschool, then my middle son celebrated his 3rd birthday, and began preschool the very next day! I have been gearing up for the holidays by working on new designs for holiday photo cards, as well as adding some new Christmas stationery products. I hope to have most of the new items listed on the site by the end of the month. If you haven't already signed up from my mailing list, now is a great time, as I will be unveiling a great holiday promotion very soon!

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