Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to School Blog Tour


I am participating in the Back to School Blog Tour this week, sponsored by Living My MoMent and The Work At Home Woman.

We go back to school early here, and all 3 of my boys are well into the first few weeks of the new year.  My oldest son is a 3rd grader, my middle son is a 1st grader, and my youngest son is in PreK this year.  In addition to running my stationery & card business from home, I returned to the classroom last year as a substitute teacher, and I work at the older boys’ school anywhere from 1-5 days/week.  These past few weeks, I have had a lot of sub jobs, so its been very hectic and busy getting into the school routine while trying get 3 kids ready to go to 2 different schools and hustle out the door! (to say the least!)

When I started my business, my goal was to develop products that I would use, and I truly do!  As I have posted numerous times, I could not live without my excuse pads and school envelopes.  I have a few excuse pads stashed in different places because when I am subbing, I use them to let my sons’ teachers know where I will be in the building and how they are getting home.  Right now, I am using the rainbow name pads, and I am working on some new designs for their envelopes to use this year.


If you are stopping by for the first time by means of the Back to School Blog Tour, I hope you enjoyed your visit—my blog is mainly a place where I showcase new products, special events, and custom designs.  Please be sure to stop by my main website & poke around!  I hope you will come back again!  I am getting ready to do a giveaway for Facebook fans of some of my favorite back to school goodies, so be sure to fan my page.


  1. Hi! I'm visiting from the Back to School Blog Tour. First, I absolutly love your store! Such great ideas too. Im now following your blog and on Facebook & Twitter! I would love to work with you one day at

  2. Here from the blog tour! I have 25 active giveaways if you want to enter to win.

  3. Oh your blog is adorable and so are the things that you make! It is nice meeting you :) Have a great week!

  4. I"m visiting via blog tour too! Cute blog! :)

  5. Been wondering what you decided to do! Hope all is going well!!!

  6. Thanks for being part of the Back-to-School Blog Tour!

    I subbed for a short period of time after college and it was tough gig, my hat is off to you for all of the hard work that you do.

    BTW - Cute products!

  7. I'm stopping in from the Back-to-School Blog Tour. I hope you come check out my after school snack recipe!

  8. Stopping by your blog with the Back to School Blog Tour. Great blog!


  9. Ok so I'm a little late but better late than never--thanks for your comment on my picture and all your designs are adorable! :)
