Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cute New Notepads

Wow, I cannot believe how fast the first days of 2010 have gone by! January will be over before we know it. It has been hectic around here lately. I still have not fully completed the office move, which makes it more chaotic... plus, I have been working outside the home, substituting at my older sons' school, in addition to the business, and we have had a lot of school events along with my oldest son starting basketball. I feel like I haven't had time to fully recover from the holiday craziness yet, and its already time to be thinking about the next one! (That would be Valentines--which orders are already coming in for!) I am hoping to get a handle on things this week & get a lot of the things on my way.too.long to-do list crossed off!

Today I want to feature one of my favorite new products. I had been anxious to make some of these notepads for myself as soon as I designed them. Colors can be customized to any combination you'd like.

Not yet a family? Not to worry--this looks super cute as a single name pad as well...

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  1. very very cute!!!!! hope the subbing is going well!

  2. Thanks girls :)

    Shana-- I have enjoyed it but its a struggle to juggle everything for sure.

  3. Those are adorable!! I may have to order some for gifts, soon!
