Wednesday, October 21, 2009

More Holiday Chatter - Personalized Stationery & Photo Cards

I had some extra time over the rainy weekend to get more of the new designs for the holidays loaded to the website. Keep an eye on what's new as I finish getting everything added this month. If you are a newsletter subscriber, I will be sending out a holiday early bird discount soon. I am starting to feel a little panicked myself about Christmas already---as I mentioned before, I typically have all of my shopping done by now (for the most part) but I have just barely started, and at the rate that 2009 has been speeding by for me (I think EVERY month I find myself wondering where that month went!) it won't be long until Christmas is upon us! I will be out all day on Friday. I am attending a field trip with my oldest son and then we have a Halloween festivity that evening. There are so many holiday designs to choose from. I have not decided yet what I will be using for my own, though I have been working on pictures for them! I will be trying to showcase a card or two a week:

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