Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today was the first day of school here, and I had to send off my middle son to kindergarten with his older brother going into 2nd grade. It was a tough day for a mom, you wrestle with the conflicting feelings of being so proud of them for growing up and becoming more independent, yet wanting to hold on to them extra tight because they are growing up so fast! So, I was a bit of a basketcase on the inside today. It was hard sending my oldest to kindergarten, and almost as hard the second time around. (The only part that made it "almost" as hard was knowing his big brother would be there to help him get off the bus at the right spot!)

The whole day was bittersweet..starting with big brother doling out advice about school and explaining how things work from the time they got up til they hopped out of the van and he took Cooper's hand and walked him in! (If that didn't make my heart melt!) Then, when I loaded the pics from my camera I marveled at just how grown up my oldest looked. He is only 6.5 but looked every bit like a 2nd grader today. Seeing Cooper bounce right out of the car and be guided into school by his big brother without even a glance back... And then, spending the day with only my youngest, who suddenly seemed all grown up too, wanting to clear the breakfast dishes and clean up his toys without being asked. He asked about his brothers all day and kept saying he wanted to go to school too. When I put him down for his nap, I told him we would get his brothers when he got up, and as soon as I peeked in on him after naptime, he immediately said he wanted to go get Hayden & Cooper. Awww...

The big boys both had a great day, and my new kindergartner declared that he LOVED school as he bounded off the bus with a HUGE smile on his face!

Here they are getting ready to leave for the big day:

I hope your first day is as smooth as ours was! Don't forget, there are just 2 more days to enter our Back to School giveaway, and you can still earn extra entries!

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I see you got a nice piece of junkmail for your first school comment! How nice:)

    Okay, the boys look SOOOO excited, specially your oldest, he looks PROUD! That was way to cute with the matching duds...and your purple petunia's look FABULOUS DARLING! So nice and full!

    Glad you got two good teachers this year too! I know they will be spoiled:)

  3. Thanks Jodee :) I LOVE my mom got those potted flowers for me this year super cheap at a farmer's market & they are so big & pretty!

    I was just on your blog to catch up last night and saw you went back to school even earlier than us--and I thought we were early! Hope he is enjoying 1st grade :)
