Sunday, July 19, 2009

Custom Lollipop Birthday Invitation

I have had several requests lately for lollipop/candy/ice cream themed birthday stationery--what cute themes! My youngest son's birthday is in early November, which makes it a hard one to celebrate...I am usually knee-deep in holiday orders, and last year we kept his birthday really small and low-key. He is turning 3 this year, and he LOVES lollipops, so I am keeping this theme in mind for his birthday.

Here is one of my favorite designs that I came up with for a girly-lollipop themed party.


  1. Now that is just sweet! What a cute idea:)

  2. Thanks, Jodee! If only I had a girl to use it for myself--this is one that I would love to be able to use. (sigh!)
