Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Valentine Sneak Peak! Cutie Pies Custom Creations Photo Cards & Stationery

With the big boys both in school this morning, and the sun sorta out (as much as it has been for the past snowy/yucky/wintery weather week) PLUS me realizing in a panic that I really need to get my own kid's valentines made (EEK!) I decided my youngest would have his photo session this morning. I never have very high hopes for our photo sessions...planned picture taking does not usually go over well in this house, so I am pleasantly surprised when I produce a winner! Parker was only a semi-willing participant today. I got about 20 or so shots before he told me he was done and climbed down off the bed. I may try again, though his Valentines really are only for family--its his big brothers that will hand theirs out at school, so I may just accept what I got. I edited my favorite shot & whipped up 2 different Valentines. One is the same design I posted the other day, and the other is a slightly customized version of this design on my site. I like the picture, though I would have been happier had I been able to get a smile in the pic rather than this lolly in his mouth. Ah well. One down, 2 to go!