Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sick! Ughhh...

Whew what a difference a day makes. Yesterday was a good day---the older boys were off school so we spent the day wrapped up in the history making inauguration activities. My youngest son, as I have mentioned in previous posts has been sick since last weekend...started with a severe congestion/stuffiness/cold type thing, then Monday he got sick with stomach bug oldest son was sick 2 weeks ago with the nasty stomach virus, and I thought SOMEHOW the rest of us managed to escape it. Oh so wrong!!! Why would I think I could possibly be that "lucky?" Yesterday evening my little guy developed a new symptom (liquid, rancid poo that is characteristic of this virus, and then within hours of each other, my remaining son, my husband, and myself all got hit with the stomach bug too! Today was awful with 4 out of 5 in the family sick and my youngest only wanted mommy. Thank goodness we are fortunate enough to have family nearby and the boys grandmothers each took a shift today.

Soooo, needless to say, I did not get to work on orders today, and in fact only just now fired up the laptop so I could check emails from the comfort of my bed. I hope tomorrow brings relief and HEALTH and that I will be back to work, playing catch up!

Now that I have caught up on emails, I am hoping to settle into bed and have a peaceful night of rest.


  1. So sorry you have been sick and taking care of the sick! I know how that feels....
    BTW have you ever heard of this website....she makes free blog templates and custom ones, but she has give aways also...and a place for you to get some advertisement! She is actually getting ready to have a big Baby Shower party on Feb. 9th you should check it out....

    One more thing....I am getting ready to place an order for Valentines Cards, but I have been looking for those cute lolly pops you had- can you remember where you got them at? If it was you that got them! I really think I want to try one of those with my boy....I know this post is long! Take care!

  2. Hi Jodee! Thanks for the well wishes! Hopefully we are on the mend here :) Thanks for the link, I will check it out!

    Yes, I got the lollys for my boys last year to get some Vtine shots! I got them at Target in the seasonal aisle. (I also got some at Xmas this year b/c they were such great props!) This year, I havent seen them in my Target Vtine aisle yet BUT they did have some slightly smaller ones (but still oversized) in the dollar bin area at target. Hope you can find some!

  3. I got them! Found them at Target today....I plan on taking pictures tomorrow! I can't wait!!!!! Thanks Oh, I did pick up a Christmas one for next year too! So excited!
