Monday, November 17, 2008

More chances to win!

My Christmas giveaways are winding down, but I will be sponsoring one soon over at While you are there, check out Jaime's other giveaways. She is running a Countdown to Christmas on her blog with lots of really neat prizes with moms in mind. I have entered a few, and I would REALLY love to win one. I have my fingers crossed for the LUCKY ME TEE! If you stop by & leave a comment on any of the giveaways, be sure to mention that I sent ya!

jaime xmas

My final scheduled giveaway is set to start this week as well over at Paige also has a number of giveaways running right now, so take the time to check them out and you just might win free Christmas cards from me, or maybe something else from their fantastic prizes!

Nurse Mommy

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